Today our class shared our disguised turkeys. We had a great time sitting in a circle and talking about how we wanted to hide our turkeys from the farmer so they wouldn't be eaten for Thanksgiving dinner. What fun and creative families we have in our Kindergarten! The class shared turkeys dressed as Superman, princesses, and turkeys covered in glittler and leaves. The children beamed proudly as they spoke about their turkey. I heard some of the children say, "Today was the best day ever!" I just love these little guys!
#5 When hanging up backpacks, a boy said he smelled like a real man. I said "You do?" and he said "Yeah. I sprayed that real man smell stuff on this morning." I had to laugh as I told him he did smell nice.
#4 During our Chinese New Year Party, the children were enjoying their food when one boy opened his fortune cookie and rushed to tell his friend, " You know, you'll have to eat the paper!"
#3 During our whole group writing time, I wrote the sentence: "I like pink," said my mom. One of my precious students said, "Hey! That's my mom's name!" :)
#2 Thursday, after our day off for Veteran's Day, as we walked in to the classroom to start our day, one of the children said, "I need a break!" I told him, "We just had a day off." He replied, "Well I need a vacation!"
#1 As we were leaving the classroom, I realized that I didn't have many "green days" left. I went to the closet, grabbed green construction paper and scissors, folded the paper and started cutting strips. One of my little guys saw me doing this and said, "Is THAT how we get green days!" When I said yes he turned to the other children and said "Look, she's making green days!"
Kindergarten is a fun and exciting time in a child's life. It is here where the foundation of school begins. They will learn to read, write, add, subtract, as well as how to be a good student in school. We strive for the children to love school and to love to learn. We are anticipating an exciting year ahead!
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